Price Drop Mania and its Supporters

Recently a very popular app tracker site announced their shutdown. Most likely for financial reasons and missing support from Apple.

We find this is a logical consequence to the current, still raising situation.

Especially niche businesses are suffering from the current trend of overdriven price drop mania. It is a bad trend and some developers do then react with virtualised “normal” prices – this is raising the prices in general – as they otherwise could not keep their cost compensation for the app development. Because now they are forced to continuously drop prices and making one sales action after another, which short or long term, will result in a financial disaster.

I am wondering, why Apple even allows apps in their own AppStore, which obviously perform a kind of “smart developer punishment” by flagging raised prices in red (bad prices) normal prices in orange and dropped in green (good prices). So only dropped prices are green (and thus good). This is very consumer centric and also manipulating on the one side and potentially business damaging on the other side, the developers side – and also negative for Apple.

Nobody is raising prices for fun.

A price increase judgement or punishment of any sort is basically against Apples rules and the existing sales conditions and contracts. Developers are totally free to adjust their prices to the requirements and nobody, especially a 3rd party should not be allowed to perform any judgement or even punishment on that matter.

Also no developer is forced to do a price drop ever.

Developers have a strong contract with Apple. A third party cannot expect that Apple cooperates with them, if they perform continuously business-damaging promotional actions based on Apples own AppStore data, which is usually grabbed by just hijacking (stealing) their officially available and published data.

So for instance some of such 3rd party providers have insufficient and obviously incomplete data sets, actually hindering especially small developers to even appear there with their full set of releases (as happened with us : 9 of our releases were just not even in the 3rd party app’s database and thus, out of any access by the users of this app).

And some people, who see themself as kind of “influencers” or self proclaimed promoters obviously are thinking, they easily could (mis)use such platforms for playing God and for instance hindering selected developers to appear by promoting just everything but those.

There are several dangers with such app trackers, dangers of potential manipulation; and we would rather like to support Apple, as we have clear contracts with them. We also never have seen something similar discriminating from Apple. And if Apple chooses not supporting such providers and even removing their misused services from access this way or even removing such questionable app-tracker apps from their AppStore, we are absolutely with them.

Buy TWO, get ONE for free (summer special 2024)

In this summer we are making a special offer. If you buy 2 AudioUnits or apps from our collections, you can get a free lifetime promo code for a product of your choice as a gift.

( This action is time limited for months Juli / August 2024. The promo codes are generated manually and this may take up to 24 hours. Promo codes can be redeemed worldwide in the Apple AppStores. You must prove the purchase of the items with an Apple receipt, that is usually sent per email to you. Just add a line, which product you want to have for free. )

send it to

Note About Apple Silicon Compatibility

All of our latest releases (over 25 apps alone this year) are made ‚super universal‘, which is our term for describing availability on all Apple Silicon platforms, iOS / iPadOS / macOS / visionOS (iOS compatibility mode). Our audio units are tested with the Apple ‚auval‘ tool. If auval tool fails in rare cases, these are all unspecific, not reconstructable reasons inside this buggy validation tool but the units usually can be enabled explicitly, which requires Logic Pro. ( Apples auval tool is well known for generating false validation reports and doing stupid things and also mostly generating cryptic and brainless descriptions. )

2 New TestFlight Betas Uploaded

We transmitted 2 new TestFlight betas:

Both are release candidates and scheduled for release soon. These are super universal releases, available on iOS, iPadOS, macOS and the Apple Vision Pro.

There will be intro prices (9.99$) possibly with pre-orders for both items and early adopters. Final price probably will be 17,99$ and becomes active after preorder period.

We also renewed the latest public beta versions for our release candidates.

Manuals are available for JAX Dynamics Flow JAX 3Verb.

GM MIDI Player (super universal update 2.0)

GM MIDI Player was our very first iOS release. After 5 years, we updated this ancient but still excellently working piece of software for support of latest technologies and the latest Swift language. It now should perform on macOS (Apple Silicon) and Apple’s Vision Pro without any issues.

GM MIDI Player was and is completely written in Apples Swift programming language and comes with some nice features, like downloading MIDI files from zip packages. It initially was thought as an essential tool for playing MIDI files on iOS, especially iPhones, as Apple did not provide a default system player for this kind of popular audio files at all.

The price was re-adjusted. GM MIDI Player was also prepared for future enhancements. Note: It is not available as AudioUnit, so for this purpose, please take a look at our latest JAX MIDI Module&Player, which is available as standalone and AudioUnit (AUv3) package.