- JAX Environment – A super universal AudioUnit AUv3 hosting environment. (
Unfortunately Apples audio frameworks used and implemented in Swift is currently so unstable and full of inconsistencies, that we could not manage to get this host running solid across all devices.

100 percent of all crashes we get, are caused by internal Apple framework quirks that are all so cryptic, that we will see merely assembler instruction debugging screens without any hint to the real reasons of those crashes deeply inside the core kernels on the Apple operating systems.
This host builds entirely on Apple’s AVAudio framework and is consequently written in their latest Swift programming language and it seems, that this merely conducts crash concerts, even with using most primitive AU components, like their AVAudioPlayer component just playing one or more simple files in a loop together.
We probably have to write everything from scratch, to get that even released as serious application. So there is the question: Why would we even furthermore rely on this entire crap of a framework, as it bounces back then badly to the users experiences !?
We think, that the audio frameworks from Apple are currently the mostweakparts of Apples entire operating system, especially on the Mac and requires urgently a major overhaul in the depths of its kernel.
- JAX Algorithmic Composer – A complex MIDI pattern generator based on different popular generative algorithms, like polyrhythmic and polymetric pattern generators – (
This video just demonstrates the user interface while autogenerating multi-channel MIDI patterns, which are saved to disk. Some of the core algorithms are implemented in our JAX MIDI Jinny PRO release for iOS/iPadOS.
- JAX AudioCoder – universal binary Intel/Apple Silicon (

JAX AudioCoder is a C/C++ alike realtime coding environment / compiler for midi and audio processors, hosted by an AudioUnit (AUv3). Note: This is nothing for a bloody beginner in audio coding. ^^ But if you are good with the industry standard coding language C/C++ for DSP, this may be a good solution for fast prototyping audio processors.

- JAX Infinity Looper – universal binary Intel/Apple Silicon

JAX Infinity looper was made for testing Apples AUFilePlayer component but quickly showed the limitations and quirks about that shit. However, the app is available for playing around with it. Especially the transitions often will produce audio interruptions, which are annoying.

- JAX Stretch 8 – universal binary Intel/Apple Silicon (

JAX Stretch 8 uses Apples AUSampler for achieving a time stretch looper with 8 MIDI channels. Some issues with Apples really insufficient AudioUnit (AUv3) implementations stopped the project at certain stage from being continued. Nevertheless, the sound concept sometimes gives astonishing results.